Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hatch Layout Complete

All the hatches are built and held in place with icky-pucky, a structural fiberglass putty. True to its name it's quite icky. I've pretty much been a full time gooper lately. 30 gallons have been used thus far, to stick things in place and cove the edges to make smooth glass-able transitions. My icky-pucky skills have made significant improvements. When Larry, an Ace glass man giving us a hand was going to help tape in (glass the seams) the panels he noticed my putty transitions weren't nearly graceful enough. Too many lumps and daggers for the glass to flow over it. So we had to push back that job and Monique and I spent 10 hours sanding down all my crappy gooping. This has been my experience with fiberglass in general. You do a job, and its not good enough so you end up spending another day fixing it which means a many hours of sweating/grinding/sanding, everything being coated in glass dust.. again. And that all too familiar itch to remind you to do it right the first time.

The top photo is insulating foam being fitted and gooped to the hull.

The next is of me racing to wet out and prepare strips of glass for Larry to Tape in the transitions of hatches, turning a house of cards that are held together with the pucky into a solid back deck that is one with the boat.

The third is two strips od half inch nidacore being gooped to the foam hatch to support the drums aluminum slider track which will be bolted to it

The final is an almost panorama of the Hatches. With me in what will become the Lazarette; Presumably gooping.

1 comment:

  1. oh man, cutting it close!! It is looking good, thanks for the informative post!
